Soul Stories

Soul Stories - Life Coach Meg Heppner

Dr. Gayle M. Randall Season 2 Episode 28

On this episode of Soul Stories, Dr Randall has a fascinating conversation with Meg Heppner. Meg is a life coach, Hypnotherapist, blogger and event host that is passionate about walking with people who want more out of life than just the status quo!

She believes that life doesn’t have to work out exactly the way we think it “should” in order to be enjoyed and that people don’t have to be perfect in order to be loved.

She believes that we all have the voice of truth inside of us but sometimes it can be hard to hear. And most importantly that we must live between the tension of accepting the things we cannot change and taking massive action on the things we can!

Meg creates spaces where women can slow down and process all the things that are influencing and controlling their lives - their everyday thoughts, emotions, and the stories they have been telling themselves. Spaces where they can look at their inner world, gain valuable insight and then reclaim their personal authority, and make conscious decisions that transform the way they experience their lives!

Through one on one coaching, group coaching and workshops, Meg helps women show up in the world with more love, and less ego, more compassion, and less judgment, more vulnerability, and less shame, more emotional agility and less fear!

Meg is also on the Board of Directors for Happy Healthy Women Global
Meg lives in BC with her husband of 21 years, two teenage boys and their little dog Charlie. To learn more about Meg visit her website

Another fabulous episode of Soul Stories!